We talked about "Research" in this week's seminar. It's interesting that some people thought Research is everywhere happening all the time, but I'm more agree on "you're not researching when you aren't specifically looking for something, it's only taking in information". We also have to think about the Starting points and the way of our research.
And this week our task is about creativity.
I think my creativity in the past few years have been mainly school works. Although it's school work and we have topics that we have to follow in school art work, I enjoy it. And I think those had been Descriptive and Exploratory Researches as we have to research for the topic given and generate something new based on the given topic. I really want to develop my creativity in these 2 years in uni. I think I need to do more art work outside school in order to widen my art work's range.
I should be getting more, and different inspiration by researching, as i think inspiration is essential for creativity. It is also important to explore different views and ideas from various artists. And by broadening my knowledge in multimedia by researching, hopefully I will be more creative.
I think the starting point that I'm most drawn to is In Front of because it would help me to understand what other people think and theresfore could improve from there. I'm a bit wary of the Behind bit as although I do agree that it's important to know about the economic, polictical, social cultural context of the work, it gets complicated. I don't think any of them are irralavent as the other two would also allow me to understand more of the topic.